RAD 478 Computed Tomography Applications and Sectional Imaging

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The Computed Tomography Applications and Sectional Imaging class was the start of my career in CT. This class allowed me to become interested in CT, just as a new CT position opened up at my hospital. For me, the pediatric CT scan project was a pivotal point in the class. For this project we were required to research a current event where a CT technologist scanned a young boy repeated. Resulting in a dose of radiation that a patient should never receive from a CT scan. It was during this project that I realized how important it was for a technologist to practice patient safety when administering radiation. I also learned about pediatric sensitivity to radiation, as well as, how important it is to reduce the dose to pediatric patients as much as possible while not inhibiting the integrity of the scan. From an ethical stand point, it showed me that as a registered CT technologist I am responsible to report and stand up for patients in bad situations concerning radiation even if they are not directly my patient. 

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