RAD 400 Legal and Ethical Issues in Imaging Sciences

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The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks project was a pivotal point for me in the RAD 400 Legal and Ethical Issues class. For this project, we were required to read the book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and develop a power point outlining the ethical dilemmas the Henrietta and her family went through. Before reading this book, I did not know much about the HeLa cells. I learned so much of the history behind them from the book. I also learned how unfair patients were treated at that time. By learning how poorly the health care system treated patients, I realize how far it has come today. I found it interesting to read about events that occurred, that if they occurred today, they would be grounds for termination, losing a licenses, or worse. Although this true story is very sad, I am grateful for how far it has brought us.  

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